5 Ways to Help Cope with Seasonal Depression

5 Ways to Help Cope with Seasonal Depression

I hope everyone’s week has been smooth sailing as we enter the month of November. While the leaves may be at their beautiful peak as we begin November, this is also the time some may begin experiencing symptoms of seasonal depression. Seasonal depression is a kind of depression that affects certain people at certain times of the year, usually as the cold weather rolls around and the winter months approach us. As a result of shorter days, less sunlight (and therefore, less time spent outside), and colder/stormy weather, it is completely understandable that some of us find ourselves feeling more down and less motivated during the late fall and winter months! Below, I have listed five of my favorite tips to help you manage and cope with this year’s seasonal depression.

Take Advantage of Daylight

Just spending at least 20 to 30 minutes in the fresh air and sunlight has been proven to boost endorphins and provide you with mental clarity!

Despite the chilly weather, bundle up and spend some time outdoors and take advantage of the daylight.

Buy a Sunrise Alarm Clock

When we lack sun exposure, our Vitamin D levels become very low, leading to decreased levels of serotonin. Having low levels of serotonin sometimes lead to anxiety and depression.

With a sunrise alarm clock, the clock mimics natural daylight and gradually brightens the room, allowing you to wake up naturally. The clock also has a night time setting as well, creating a calm environment to help you sleep as well.

Move Your Body

While the cold weather and early sunset may make you want to stay cozied up, moving your body/exercise could be very helpful! Exercise releases natural endorphins that can instantly boost your serotonin levels, increasing your mood.

It doesn’t have to be long or extraneous — a morning yoga class, a brisk walk, or an at home workout class all counts as moving your body and is equally beneficial.

Add Variation to Your Routine

Routines can be so helpful for your daily life and mental health. They lead to healthy habits and help prevent burnout.

However, life changes with the seasons, and so should your routine. Your summer routine may not work well for you as the colder months approach and that is totally okay and normal! Try adding some variation to your pre-existing routine or create a new routine for these autumn and winter months.

Book a Vacation

If it is a possibility for you, book yourself a little vacation/getaway for some mental clarity and a change of scenery. This will give you something to look forward to, as well as boost your mood and creativity.

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